Highly Adaptable
One of the primary goals when developing the Bourgault Air Planter™ was ease of switching between a seeding to planting scenario. This has been achieved with the incorporation of the bolt-on Air Cart Inductor and the frame mounted XP DUO™ Meter that uses positive pressure to ensure precise placement.
Now Producers can invest in one implement that does both jobs!

More Fertilizer Options
For the first time, Producers can place dry fertilizer in the seed row with planted seed, giving the plant that valuable pop-up effect after germination.
Nitrogen and sulfur can safely be applied in a one-pass operation with the Mid Row Bander® Fertilizer Applicators. Producers can tailor their Bourgault AP™-equipped system to meet their fertilizer and seed placement requirements.

Reduce Wear & Tear
Bourgault seeding systems are renowned for unmatched residue clearance and seed placement in direct seeding environments. Producers can greatly reduce their tillage requirements prior to planting. Reduced passes equals less fuel burned, less wear and tear and fewer man hours in the tractor.
Improve soil tilth and reduce the danger of erosion by preserving binding root mass from the previous crop. Standing stubble will protect new seedlings from wind damage.

Control Seed Costs
With the high cost of seed, Producers can now achieve planter control of seeds per acre for corn and soybeans - then easily switch out to seeding cereals and other volumetrically applied crops.